Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Am Proved Fucking Right!

I wrote this very long post well over a year ago about how we desperately need electoral and media reform to preserve democracy in America, and now look:

o Almost two years after laughing off claims of irregularities, the New York Times finally realizes that the 2004 election was fishy, and that we could be heading for a "meltdown" in Ohio and "disaster" in New York if those states don't aggressively pursue electoral reform. Gee, thanks, guys. Very timely. Nice work.

o ABC takes it upon themselves to broadcast pure, distilled Republican propaganda ("Bush tough and strong! Clinton cowardly and weak!") in the guise of a "docudrama" to commemorate the fifth anniversary of 9/11. (I can't choose any one thing to link to, but I recommend browsing Eschaton, Firedoglake, and Think Progress for lots of infuriating goodness) I also predicted that the Republicans would try to exploit the anniversary to remind the American people how lucky they are to have a Strong Daddy in charge during these Dangerous Times.

Being infallible totally sucks sometimes.


Elmo said...

good job, golf clap

karmic said...

You rock!

Eli said...

Thanks, guys.

I *used* to rock, at least...