Friday, June 03, 2005

Hmm... I Can't Quite Put My Finger On It...

From Atrios/Kos/Stoller's lawyer's public comments to the FEC urging them to leave bloggers the hell alone already, via Atrios:
We also recognize the concern, as expressed via the comments being submitted by the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet and others, that to expand the media exemption to include bloggers would diminish 'the privileged status the press currently enjoys.' Curiously referring to bloggers’ desire to equal treatment as 'demands', the IPDI portends that such an expansion would destroy campaign finance regulations and/or reporter shield laws.
So... extending a right or privilege to an arbitrarily undesirable group of people somehow "diminishes" that right or privilege for those desirables who already have it?

Where have I heard this before?


oldwhitelady said...

Oh, I know, I know.. pick me...

Doesn't it have something to do with gay marriage and how gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of straight marriage?

Eli said...

Ayup, that would be it.

If you let just any old riff-raff into the club, it's just not so cool anymore.