Monday, January 15, 2007

Eli's Obsession With The Google

#1 search result for naked bakers.

#3 search result for bush sociopathic liar.



karmic said...

Nekkid bakers? I err ahem.. did not know about this talent of yours Eli..

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

You've moved down to 5 with 'socio-pathic liar'. Admittedly, it's become all together too popular over the span of this administration.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you were being too kind. I suggest you try "nutcase cretin in chief".

(See cabdrollery; There's a Nut in the White House.)

from ruth

Eli said...

Nekkid bakers? I err ahem.. did not know about this talent of yours Eli..

I haven't actually tested it. I sure as hell can't bake clothed.

You've moved down to 5 with 'socio-pathic liar'.

Ah, well. Easy come, easy go.

Unknown said...