...when you can have an iPod/DVD projector shaped like R2-D2? (NOTE: Make sure the motivator is under warranty)
I'm... an enormous geek.
*hangs head in shame*
Did I mention that the remote is shaped like the Millennium Falcon?
(Or that Blogger is run by monkeys? And not the smart kind, either.)
I don't need an iPhone because I don't need music or movies or television or email on my phone. I actually don't understand the point of emailing from your phone. Why not just call the person?
HOWEVER, I am VERY interested in the iTV thingie. Does this mean that you can put a DVD into your iMac and watch it on the big screen??? This is exciting to me because I have an old TV and no DVD player, except on the computer, and I don't want to sit at my desk and watch a movie.
I think the iTV is set up for viewing programs you download from iTunes, and this is not enough for me. But if you can do the DVD thing ... I'M IN.
Eli, do you know?
Actually, the iPhone is incredibly impressive. If their site is to be believed, it's a fully-functional 4-8GB *video* iPod, in addition to being a phone and web browser and e-mail client and 2-megapixel digital camera.
And I much prefer e-mail to talking on the phone, so it's perfect for me.
As for the Apple TV, it doesn't look to me like it does anything with DVDs - I think you would have to rip the DVD to your PC for the Apple TV to be able to see it.
I also didn't see any mention of interoperability with the video iPods, which seems like a missed opportunity (yeah, redundant with your own iPod 'cuz everything's synched through iTunes, but what if you're visiting a friend, say?).
What do you mean, "rip the DVD to your PC"? I have an iMac with a DVD slot (or whatever you call it). Are you saying that you can't put the DVD in the computer and have iTV play it on the big screen?
That would suck.
Same as ripping tracks to MP3 off of a CD, but much much slower...
Is possible there may be a way to play them, but I didn't see any reference to it. I wonder if iTunes will support video ripping like it currently supports audio ripping.
I think it's all about buying iTunes video product to play on your iTV, and they're coming out with new stuff all the time. Which isn't a terrible thing, just not what I want.
I'm not much of a TV or commercial movie fan. I only like the small films with the broken glass.
Set-top video boxes (other than TiVo/DVR thingies) have not had a lot of success historically, and I think this is a big reason why. It's a nice gee-whiz idea, but how many people have a ton of video content just sitting on their PC's hard drive?
Now, maybe if this thing has some TiVo capability, and if a lot of digital content (i.e., TV shows, older movies) can be downloaded for free, I could see the appeal.
Okay, I want one of those.
Because I am a geek too. I'm annoyed that the iPhone is married to Cingular, because I'm quite happy with my Sprint service.
You want an iPhone, and iTV, or an iR2-D2?
I figure by the time my verizon Treo commitment expires, there'll be a souped-up Verizon iPhone with an 80GB hard drive and maybe a frickin' laser.
I dunno, Eli: it says that bachelors need one of these to impress chicks.
Over New Year, we watched a movie from NTodd's ipod: he had a dock that plugged right into the TV.
Well, would *you* be impressed?
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