As I believe I may have warned before, I have... netting photos. There's this sports complex on the NYC waterfront, and one of the piers has been enclosed and turned into a driving range.
I will dispense with captions, since, well, they're all netting.

Vertical see-through canopies. :)
*Did you pay extra for the deluxe verification word package? Lookit the length of this suckah:
Hey man, that ain't just netting, that's the statuesque Chelsea Piers driving range on the Hudson! I gotta admit I kinda dig that place, it's a silly grown-up playground. The golf balls actually rise out of the ground so that you don't even have to bend over and place the ball on the tee. You just drive it, and another golf ball pops up. I also like the bowling alley and the brewery. Not too into the hoops scene, though, it's pretty weak by NYC streetball standards. Anyway, nice shapely compositions, as usual, Eli.
op99, check out mine: ukywpxjf
I'm going to admit to being completely baffled by your choice of subject.
Vertical see-through canopies. :)
*Topless* canopies.
Thanks, Kai! I was sorely tempted to take a little break at the batting cages, but I could not be swayed from my grim sense of purpose.
I'm going to admit to being completely baffled by your choice of subject.
Well, that's kinda my signature, innit?
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