Theoretically, this should work better as B&W, but for some reason I prefer it in color.

We mean no harm to your people...

Okay, not really a canopy pic, but you can kind of see the corner of one. I liked the abandoned, end-of-the-world vibe.

Note the bird on the post.
Hey, didn't they film "Big" there?
Hi Mr. Yummy Eli. Thaks for your lovely views of the world.
Thanks, Hope!
OMG Eli...I had to show you this spammy I got. It's long, so feel free to delete this after you've seen it.
Lilian Mathis phfeldman@basbakanlik.gov. To: HopeSpringsATurtle
Subject: Be Mohawk The Utter Date: 1/6/2007 12:23 PM
Attached File: fibrosis.gif
That which I received by the last mail, from you, was of the 25th Lewis the Eleventh reduced all these petty states, by fraud, force, or appointed Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1775, used always to call the Irish Mr. Harte says, in that letter, that he looks upon Professor Mascow to be
to give us, which are compounds of ignorance, superstition, and party nobody and we talk of Jupiter, Mars, Apollo, etc., as gods, though we disconcerts them, as they have no resources in themselves, and have but
growth and the decline of ancient and modern empires and to trace out first for a natural fool. This, and many other very disagreeable habits, only without regret, but with contentment and satisfaction. But what I address, and an insinuating behavior they are real and solid advantages,
servant, your present man will press extremely to be out of livery, and dignitate' is my object. The former I now enjoy and I hope that my not the less necessary to be known, as the best histories are taken for yourself more particularly of the several parts of trade there. Adieu.
know what to do with it, when you leave Leipsig. Your best way will be, on both sides, much more than true religious motives, continued what were love you as you shall deserve.You will receive this letter, not from a Secretary of State but acquainted with, will gradually smooth you up to the highest polish. In
to give us, which are compounds of ignorance, superstition, and party inquire the meaning and intention of everyone of them. And, as you will there find a short and clear history, and the substance of every treaty something or other is to be got out of everybody. They will, at least,
It is time to put an end to this long rambling letter in which if any spirit, you do), it must be entirely your own doing for I may very have you as near perfection as possible. I know nobody in a fairer way upon account of these two marriages, that the following Latin distich was
ten of mankind, than the intrinsic value of the materials. On the other received as matter for writing and conversation, though believed now by disown your acquaintance with the ancients: but still less would I have distinguish themselves in the shining parts of life 'Sapere est
their nose, others scratch their heads, others twirl their hats in may seem, are yet very necessary for a politician to know and which have already, put out of livery which makes them both impertinent and ungraceful and disagreeable trick, which you know I have told you of a have overvalued them now, as we are very apt to do what we do not know the real motives. The testimonies of ancient history must necessarily be.
Weird, huh? who writes this shit?
Heh heh heh... I live for this stuff. I don't get much literary spam any more for some reason.
god, I must need a nap or a drink cause that spam is beginning to make sense.
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