Friday, June 02, 2006

Luck In My Eyes

Got lucky again today. Only once, though - I had to be somewhere.

I either have superhuman corrected vision and pattern-recognition skills, or just some kind of instinctive affinity for freakish mutants.


Anonymous said...

It's like the Matrix, only with shamrocks.

Diane said...

You are four-leaf-clover-man.

I bow to you, acknowledging your blessed existence.

Anonymous said...

4Leaf Clover

Please come to upstate New York to the Xavier School.

Thank You

Professor Charles Xavier

Eli said...

Aw, thanks, Diane. It's just one of those things I have no idea how I do.

Funny, I seem to remember a recent discussion about how there should be more mutants with really lame, unhelpful powers. I can just see myself in the middle of a ferocious battle: "Okay, gimme just a coupla more minutes here... Um, what did you say you needed it for again?"

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's both.

four legs good said...

I'm going to go with "freakish mutant."

You can be lame guy who finds four-leaf clover and I'll be lame centaur who attracts strange cats.

We'll be deadly in a fight.

pissed off patricia said...

That's one of those cheap thrills moments. When I was a little kid I spent a lot of time searching out four leaf clovers.

I also understand the nature of attracting cats, I believe it's some sort of feline magnet power.

Frederick said...

I've never found one, yet I win on scratch off tickets all the time.

oldwhitelady said...

Awesome! I haven't found any four leaf clovers for some years, now. I wonder if the luck holds, if someone else finds one for me:)