Monday, June 19, 2006

Belated Father's Day Photoblogging

Some Father's Day photoblogging - might have had it up on time, except I didn't have the linchpin ghastly window display picture ready until well after midnight...

Belated Happy Father's Day!!! Um, this display is perhaps not very well thought out...

Miniature golf at the Arts Festival.

The orbs, Daddy, they're telling me to... do things.



karmic said...

Nice pics! Wonder how many mints did they have to add to the soda fountain in the lowermost pic?
Lame i's Monday morning, it's all excused!

Eli said...

Oh, a giant Coke fountain would be *awesome*!

A giant Dr Pepper fountain, even

V said...

I'm really keen to try that mentos experiment myself, but the potential for sticky chaos seems great.

V said...

Also: is it just me, or is having a pair of trousers with an open fly associated with "dad" kind of creepy?

Eli said...

You had never heard about that Mentos thing?

And about the pants, well, that was kinda my point...