Friday, August 04, 2006

Fun With Treadmills

This is just awesome.

Hat tip to DJHLights.


Elmo said...

That was the funniest thing I've seen all week!

Rick said...

Heh, that was fun to watch. I wonder how long they had to practice...

Eli said...

I wonder how long they had to practice...

I was wondering that myself. I wonder how long it took to even choreograph.

flory said...

I'm not sure who I worry about more...the people who made that, or the person who spent enough time wandering around YouTube to find it...

Elmo said...

I'm not sure who I worry about more...the people who made that, or the person who spent enough time wandering around YouTube to find it...

I'd put my money on the person who spent enough time wandering around YouTube to find it =)

Eli said...

Please to note that I was not the one who found it.

Although I kinda wish I was.

spocko said...

That would have been interesting to see with people who were professional dancers. Probably won't have been as charming though.
It reminded my of Yankee Doodle Dandy. They used a lot of treadmills in that movie. I also remember them from the "Gotta Dance" bit in the movie Singing in the Rain.