Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Granted, it's for a good cause, but it's... peculiar.

...Brooklyn cab driver L.G. Khambache Sherpa hopes New Yorkers will join him in doing just that - crawling on hands and knees with him during his ongoing 15-mile, six-day"Crawl-a-thon" from Inwood to Ground Zero.


Sherpa says the pain is all worth it if he fulfills his goal: raising cash for tsunami victims in Asia and 9/11 emergency workers at Ground Zero - as well as to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first scaling of MountEverest.

"Hopefully, some people will come join this mission and crawl with me - not only physically, but spiritually also."


"I thought he was weird," said Alfredo Garcia, 63, of Inwood. "But he's
doing it for a good cause. I like the idea."

Be sure to check out the photo of him in his crawling costume...


V said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the irony of having a cab driver named Sherpa?

oldwhitelady said...

So, how do you drive a taxi while crawling?

Maybe you just jump on the taxi driver's back, but that sounds like an awfully slow way to get someplace.