Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Basking In The Glow

Yes, I am a happy happy blogger today. Not only did the WSJ release the most encouraging poll numbers ever, not only was my blog the number one Google search result for both an althouse batshit crazy and hot liberal blogger, but The All-Seeing Eye Of Froomkin has winked kindly upon me. The very last item in his WaPo online chat session this afternoon:

Pittsburgh, Pa.: Longtime huge fan -- your column is one of my favorite reads.

My question is, as all these revelations [come out] about how the administration gamed the intelligence used to justify the invasion of Iraq, why haven't the Downing Street Memos resurfaced? Not necessarily as a story in their own right, but as more of a data point, or an old story that has now been vindicated? I haven't see any mention of it in either the conventional media or the blogosphere.

Dan Froomkin: I do think it's about time for a retelling of the whole story, and from what I can tell, most of the facts support the Downing Street Memo version of things. (I have yet to see a single piece of evidence that Bush or his aides were, privately, even contemplating not going to war, for instance.)

Senator John Kerry mentioned the memo the other day, actually, which I suspect was a first for him. So maybe that's a sign.

Woohoo! Okay, I'm done grinding my wee axe. I think. For now.

I'm pretty sure I've also set a new personal record for most links in a single post. Huzzah!


Anonymous said...

You'll be expecting a pass into the VIP room now, won't you?

Anonymous said...

I stand in aweeeeeee...

oldwhitelady said...

Cool! I am impressed!!!

Hope your Thanksgiving Day was great!

Thers said...

Ooooh, well done on the Froomkin and batshit Althouse!

(I've never said that to anyone else before, ever, too.)