Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Poke The Bubble

My last post got me to thinking, that the Bush White House has handed us a great agitation strategy. We need more activist groups attempting to deliver letters to the White House and having them palmed off on hazmat teams. The Republicans love to use words like "confront," and "courage," and "resolve," but whenever a Sheehan or a Cleland shows up their doorstep, Big Strong Tough Man Bush hunkers down and hides like a scared little mouse. Sadly, it's our whole country in microcosm: fear negates function.

I would just like to see what would happen to Bush's approval rating if Countdown or The Daily Show ran some footage of hazmatstronauts whisking away a letter from Max Cleland or Cindy Sheehan or Kristin Breitweiser, or some sort of "Concerned Grandmothers Against War" type organization. Or if a mainstream media outlet actually picked up on the story while their Republican Loyalty Officer was out sick or on vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republicans love to use words like "confront," and "courage," and "resolve," but whenever a Sheehan or a Cleland shows up their doorstep, Big Strong Tough Man Bush hunkers down and hides like a scared little mouse. Sadly, it's our whole country in microcosm: fear negates function.

In very stark contrast to the Lincoln biography I was watching last night on the History Channel.

Lincoln's staff had to keep him away from all the people petitioning him because he would have met with them all.

Now the only way to petition the government is as a lobbyist.