Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hello From Amtrak!

I got nothin', really. But hey, my train is stopped somewhere in the middle of PA where there's a tenuous unsecured wireless network (there's also a secured one called "Aidan=Dumbass", which I think is absolutely brilliant), so I figured I might as well check in to say that I have nothing to say.

I should have lots of NYC photoblogging (I took 444 shots yesterday), and some Pittsburgh photoblogging as well when I get home.

Did I mention I'm on a train?


The Kenosha Kid said...

I will look forward to seeing all the pictures of fire hydrants and sewer grates.

oldwhitelady said...

You sure get to travel a lot. I can't wait to see your pictures. I know how seldom you take them..ha ha... I really do want to see them!