Monday, January 30, 2006


Useless bloody wankers didn't even try to make it look good.

Once again, the Democrats gleefully embrace their identity as the party of ineffectual chumps. Thanks a lot, guys. Way to keep that flame of democracy burning. I'm sure all you spineless, clueless Dems who voted for cloture will actually have the nerve to brag about how you voted against Alito's confirmation when you run for re-election, too. I hope you're all up against junkyard-dog Paul Hackett clones in your primaries, 'cause they will call you on that bullshit and rip your shit UP.

(Um, can some Dem scientist get to work on an army of Hackett clones ASAP? Or maybe an army of Wellstone clones with some Clinton charisma DNA grafted in? That would be ever so keen, thanks.)

In other news, American Idol gets more popular every year.

I can't help but think that these two stories are somehow related...


SAW said...

Could you please ask atrios why he banned me from posting comments on his site?

four legs good said...

I am really, really pissed about this.

I still respect Kerry, but the rest of them can fucking blow me.

Oh, and why is darkroom printing so hard. Ack.