Monday, January 16, 2006

Gore's Roar, The Revenge: They Get E-Mails

Here's my e-mail to CNN, for all the good it will do:
I hope you will be covering Al Gore's speech today, and that you give it more than a 15-second soundbite and a "that wacky Al Gore" shake of the head in between shark attacks and Aruba updates. A former vice president accusing a sitting president of criminality and incompetence, and the Congress and media of abdicating their responsibilities, should be big news in any universe.

Assuming that you do have some talking-head point-counterpoint analysis, I implore you to provide genuine representation for the liberal/Democrat point of view. I know it's tempting to trot out Joe Lieberman to stick a knife in his old running-mate's back, but please don't do it. If you must put "sensible" faux-liberals like Lieberman or Richard Cohen or Joe Klein up there to tut-tut about how "Al Gore is a fine man, but History has passed him by, and he is treading dangerously close to treason by not supporting the President in this time of peril," at least give some real liberals like Dean or Clark or Krugman an opportunity to rebut them.

This is very important, powerful material, and it is your duty to give it a fair hearing. I dare you.
Here goes nothin'.


flory said...

Geez, I really hope you're not holding your breath.

Blue just isn't your color.

Eli said...

On the contrary...

Elmo said...

I hope Blitzer gets to read your email. The Situation Room...give me a break.

flory said...

Eli said...
On the contrary...

You don't want to clash with the new jacket, now do you?

scout prime said...

Way to go ELI

Neil Shakespeare said...

That's the great thing about nothin'. It goes and goes. But if you get enough nothin's in one place it seems to amount to somethin'.