Monday, July 25, 2005

Random Photoblogging

No political rants coming to mind just yet (then again, I might just have something - no, wait, Gilliard's got it already), so I'll get a couple of random, completely unrelated photos out of my system.

It's a moth! It kinda looks like it's hitching a ride on the out-of-focus minivan reflection! It's...

I got nothin'.

I actually wanted to circle 'round in hopes of getting a freaky backlit shot of the moth's underside against a field of bright white light, but the door closing scared it off. I'll get you next time, Mr. Moth! And I got news for ya: That ain't no tree, dumbass!

Anxiety is trying to take pictures while waiting for the bus, knowing you're The Slowest Photographer In The World.

Dang. I just realized I used this one already...Posted by Picasa


oldwhitelady said...

Nice photos. I'm also waiting for something to come to mind...

scout prime said...

I really like both of those pics!