Friday, January 20, 2006

What Do They Tell Themselves?

The spineless, conciliatory, triangulating, go-along-to-get-along Democrats like Dianne Feinstein, Ben Nelson, Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, Joe Biden, and God knows how many others...

What do they tell themselves when Al Gore or Molly Ivins tells them to forgodsake stand up and fight for what they believe in, to fight for the Constitution, to oppose the Republicans and call them on their lies? Do they convince themselves that these people (i.e., the former two-term Vice President of the United States) simply don't understand political realities? That they must be talking about someone else? Or do they just stick their fingers in their ears and go "Lalalalalalalalalala" until the Bad Man or Bad Woman stops talking?

I just don't get it. I'd like to think that they still have some shame, that they have twinges of remorse for their vanished pride and integrity, but for the life of me, I cannot see it.


oldwhitelady said...

...good question! Scout Prime had a good post about Reid apologizing for an article about naming a number of Reps.
If they want to help change the current running members of this country, they'd better start standing up and fighting back!

flory said...

To answer Molly Ivins question -- Washington Democrats are afraid of the Beltway media. Wholly owned subsidiaries of the Republican Party.
They don't like people calling them mean names in public.