Thursday, February 23, 2006

Political Spamphiteatre

I have been lax in my spam-mining efforts of late, so I have a bit of a backlog. I'm going to ease back into it in installments, so as not to strain anything.

Installment The First Of Humorous Spammer Fake Names is dedicated to our fearless and heroic war preznit:

Vacua B. Noise
Accountability M. Torses
Distiller T. Lots
Insistent O. Balmiest
Crunch G. Misrule
Totalities U. Illiberal
Snuffbox V. Chimp
Turmoiling U. Trevor (not to be confused with Magical Trevor, whom everyone loves)
Marrying H. Deviate
Slaver U. Heisted
Abolition A. Damaged
Mewl S. Disgrace

Who says spam has no redeeming social or political value?

1 comment:

watertiger said...

oooh. Snuffbox V. Chimp.

Shame it's not Snuff Film of Chimperor.