Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday Quote & Puppy Blogging

Today's quote is actually from a review of the Nikon D200 digital SLR, which should be showing up on my doorstep any month now. Ken Rockwell, who is a huge Nikon fan (and possible shill, if you read some of the digital photography forums) and a little... odd, had a whole section of his review titled "Fudge Packing (Filling memory cards to 100%)", with numerous references to fudge packing and fudge packers, finally concluding with this explanation:
The specific reference to packing fudge, as opposed to pencils, oranges or cameras, comes from the confectionary industry. Fudge needs to be packed completely into containers without airspaces. Airspaces might create dry segments in the otherwise delicious fudge.
The things you learn on the internets.

And, of course, there'll be other people's puppies...

The shadowy and mysterious Codename L. scratches an unfathomable itch. Posted by Picasa

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