Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Architecture Marches On...

Two Columbus Circle to be transformed into the world's largest PC!

(Allied Works Architecture, Inc.)

As a regular New York Times reader, I have been casually following the sad saga of the "Lollipop Building" at Two Columbus Circle, which has been deemed an eyesore and is slated for a complete renovation. Maybe I just have an inordinate fondness for the bizarre, but I rather like the Lollipop Building just the way it is.

What's not to love? If it's the architectural equivalent of plaid, so much the better.


ntodd said...

My fave oddity: The Egg in Albany.

oldwhitelady said...

Building photography is great. The picture you've captured is very interesting!

watertiger said...

Ah, but the Lollipop Building doesn't fit the new glitzy aesthetic of Columbus Circle Mall.