Friday, April 15, 2005


This can't be good...
Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean says his party needs to do more to appeal to voters who have been lost because of unease over "values," including people who oppose abortion and parents who are dismayed by TV programs they find offensive for their children.

"We need to be a national party, we need a national message, and we need to understand why people in dire economic straits — people who certainly aren't being helped by Republican policies — why they vote for George Bush," he said. "We need to respect voters in red states who want to vote for us, but we make it hard for them by not listening to what they have to say."
Man, I show hope Ho-Ho knows what he's doing. From here it looks like the DLC managed to slip something severed under his covers...

1 comment:

oldwhitelady said...

Well, I guess he has to say something to get media attention. He's right that the Dem party needs to make itself more attractive to the sidesitters. However, the Dems need to pull up their shirtsleeves and sling a LOT of dirt. I am so sick of those asshole republicans slinging untruths about the Dems all over the place, can't the Dems sling some TRUTHS about the Reps?