"I know, it's tragic that the others died in their moment of glory, but still - and you deserve it - you have my congratulations."
From 20 Million Miles To Earth, a cheesy 50s sci-fi movie about a reptilian alien from Venus that starts out small but quickly grows to enormous Godzilla size and starts wreaking havoc.
And, of course, there'll be other people's cats...

I had almost forgotten I had this one - this apparently radioactive kitty was looking on with great interest during one of our postgame softball cookouts earlier in the year.

Democracy is gathering strength in Iraq, and the moonbats are not dealing with it very well. Like other bats, they retreat into their cave at the first sign of light, snug and safe in the darkness of their fantasy world. But they still know that the gathering light is out there, and it seems to make them very bitter.
Cheer up, guys. Tyranny still prevails in places like Cuba, North Korea, and Iran — for now, anyway.
- The Illuminator
Whaddayamean, cheesy?!
Ray Harryhausen is the puppet master!
[Oh, and "Illuminator," can we re-import some of that fabulous democracy back here?]
Love that kitty pic
That was a great flick, I remember it well. Great reptile/tank fight, super for it's day.
That is one beautiful cat. His fur looks to be very thick and soft. His eyes match his color. Is that from the flash? You probably didn't have to use a flash, though. How weird.
No, no flash, although it was getting kinda late. I think it was a combination of cat eye reflectivity and long exposure.
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