Saturday, December 03, 2005

Experimental Night Sky Blogging

While I work on my epic post on How To Solve Almost Everything, here's another foray into the world of night photography. What I'm trying for is night shots exposed to look like day, which will hopefully be creepy and wrong-looking.

This is kind of a proof-of-concept attempt - it doesn't quite get there, and I hadn't yet figured out how to use the camera remote, so there's a bit of shake from my manually depressing the shutter (I think this was a 3-second exposure, but I was on the lowest ISO). It's not going to fool anyone into thinking it's day, but it still looks lighter than it actually was (very late twilight, not full-blown night).

This will work a whole lot better now that I have that remote figured out. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Any photo that shows a yellow highrise is creepy by definition.

Good start.

oldwhitelady said...

I like this photo. It looks really cool.