Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sinking Ship, Meet Rats.

Funny, this sort of thing never used to bother them before...

Must be something in the water.

Like Their Own Blood.


Neil Shakespeare said...

Love their excuses. Democratic attack, of course. But the "the party in power always comes under more scrutiny". Oh yeah. Sure. You bet. So then the excuse is, "If we weren't in control of everything you never would have found out!"?

Anonymous said...

I think the rats are just trying mightily to stay on the ship and more importantly in charge of the ship. So, they're willing to toss over the rats that have been ID's as "dirty rats" in order to keep the ship in the direction they want it to go.

Read that some advisors are telling Republicans that representatives tied to the corruption scandals should resign ASAP--so they're less of an issue in '06.
